Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Sometimes I think I don't know how to handle the trio. It's tough, as parents we tend to take sides, we shield our favorite one, we don't see who started 1st and we conclude that this one started it by virtue that he or she is naughtier than the others. "not fair", u occasionally see one of them cry "foul". Sometimes I even punish the wrong one. Actually, the truth, most of the time all 3 had apart in being naughty, they gang up together to be naughty all at the same time. It's like having 3 of them run in different directions and u don't know who to go after 1st. I wonder if parents of triplets feel like I do.

I have to out smart & out talk all 3 most of the time, they even interrupt you when you scold another or even some times adding fuel to fire.....

They grow up together, been with one another since day 1 in the womb, they really know one another very well.... Better than I can imagine! The bonding that they share. Amazing to watch but difficult for parenting.

At the end of the day, not sure if my way works.... I really wonder... =( So how?... do your best & leave the rest to GOD?

Sigh.......I think this seems to be best for now... we'll see as I go along... no right or wrong, just improve alone the way....


1 comment:

Mummy said...

You are already doing a fantastic job!!! We only have 1 and already it's a BIG headache... cannot even imagine 3. I agree with you... nurture the best you can and God will take care of the rest.
