Wednesday, August 30, 2006

more pictures..less talk.

Here's one of Joanne on her belly... Belly belly nice!

Here's one of Jared and Jillian... watching TV... abeit.. Upside down

Here's one where Mommy is carrying Jillian.

Finally.. one of all 3 of them on the mattress.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Mommy's Thots.....

I've been wondering and thinking .... that I'm back to work for about a month... ... I still miss the babies quite a bit everyday, given a choice I would rather be home with them more than anything else. I long for weekdays to pass faster, so that the weekends arrive sooner. And when weekend comes I wish time pass slower so that I have more time with them. I guess every working mom will understand how I feel... ... =) but anyhow, 3 babies at a time, it's triple the joy.

People at work always ask me how I cope, I'll just say, you need all the help you can get, so thankfully, grandma(my mom) & 2 maids are around to look after them; (yes, I've got to hire 2 domestic helpers).Grandpa comes home early from work too everyday to help out... =) Me & Gene, we drop by to see the babies every Monday & Wednesday, we pick them up on Friday and come Sunday, we bring them back. So technically, Gene & I have Tuesday & Thursday nites to ourselves. It's a nice break for us to spend some couple time together, do the laundry, do some shopping, watch TV/DVDs...etc =)

Thursday, August 17, 2006

2 of 3 Jabs

They went for their 2nd installment of their Jabs. First up was Jared. He didn't even show any signs of pain.. he was too distracted by the nice toys that Dr Tan had in the clinic. Next up was soon as the needle went in.... Waaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh...then Gong-Gong had to try and please her and brought her out for a short walk. Finally it was Joanne. The jab went in.... Cry Cry for 3 seconds, then stopped. They may get fever.. they may not. The mommy took leave to stay by their side.... nonetheless.

Their personality is really showing... you can see who is the more "siao-jie" and who is the "I'm down with that..." Will try and post some recent pics.. as you have noticed.. they have more hair now!!

Mama & Dada

Monday, August 14, 2006

Triplets update... 2 of 3 (Jared & Joanne)

Just had to put it in the title.. to update those new the the blog

Jared has started to learn to turn from his back to the front..
problem is that his arm is often stuck beneath his body so he tries and tries to
get it out till he gets angry with himself. Jillian is also showing signs of
trying to turn but not Joanne. The mommy think she maybe on the more advanced
side that she will skip turning and jump straight into crawling. Don't know how
that is gonna happen... will let you all know if it does. As usual, the weekend
with the babies has been great and a little chaotic when one of the maids are
not around when they go for their Off. I was telling friends that we need to
have n+1 if anyone is to have some breather space.. if not, very challenging.

Here's a pic of Jared and Joanne in the "cage".

Mommy & Daddy.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Five months a coming...

The triplets are coming to 5 months now and they sure are growing up fast. Compare them to as when they first entered the world, you would never guess that were were delivered at 34 weeks. Leading the pack in-terms of weight is Jared followed by Joanne and Jillian. If you recall, Joanne was the heavier one with Jared as the lightest.. he has since caught up and overtook Joanne in the weight and size. With each passing month, the clothes that were given to them or on-loan are beginning to get lesser and lesser. Clothes for girls are still doing ok but for Jared, not so. So lucky for him, mommy is more than happy to go on a shopping spree.

We recently also got quite a few BabyGap clothes from Sharon's uncle over in Thailand. Apparently, he owns one of the factories that makes the Gap clothing so he got us some of them. hoooooooooooo!Here's a pic of the babies with my sister and Gevin.

From Left: Jillian, Jared and Joanne

mommy and daddy