8 September 2008 - This is the day Mommy will remember, like any Mommy, I was excited that my babies are off to play school. Will they cry?, Will they have separation anxiety like all other kids?, Will they miss Mommy?...etc
1st day, Lea and I sat in class to watch them, join them in some of the activities, let them get used to the environment, meet their teachers and friends. All went well, as I sat in with them, a little of running around from Jared, a little of "Mommy sit with me" from Jill & JoJo, other than that all was ok.
2nd day, Mary and I did the "Disappearing act"; i.e. lead them into class & while they are being distracted by the teacher, we went out & sat outside. Well, this I must say, I'm so proud of my girls; champions... not a drop of tear from them. They join their friends & teacher in the various activities. Jared was a whole different story, he cried from time to time & was calling for Mommy & Tita..... hahaha. Didn't expect it to be Jared that has separation anxiety. He was always the friendliest among the trio, I thot he will adapt better than his sisters, but I guess Mommy was wrong.
3nd day and onwards..... the girls are still ok ("keeping my fingers crossed"). As for Jared, still crying a little when he goes in, but we always tell him that "It's time for school now, we'll pick him up again later, he'll stay in class now with his teachers, friends & sisters". It'll get better. he'll be used to it in a giffy.
As for the trio, I think they enjoy school, making new friends, learning new things, singing & dancing.
They made Lanterns for Mid Autumn Festival too. So interesting....=)
Here are some of the pics...
1st day of play school
Lanterns trio made in school
PS: Heartache when I hear Jared cried on the 2nd day, so tempted to take him out of class to comfort him. But for his sake, no choice, harden my heart & bear with it. He'll get thru it.