just went for detail scan last week and all the babies look good! :-) The professor that attended to us was pretty funny and yet.. had very strict views on raising kids. After the session, it got me thinking about how we were, moving forward, raise our kids. Of course, the initial plan was to raise the kids with the helps of both our parents... but then that also got me thinking, is that the way you want your kids moulded... by your parents and not by you? Alot of people say that the first 6 years of your children's life is the most precious and that's when you mould them to how they will be when they grow up. Well.. at least I get to this is at one go for the 3 of them and that is why I must really focus on getting it right.
I also attended a surprise B'day party at Mervin's place for Fred. He will be 32 on the 17th of Oct. Mine is coming up in a couple of months........ SURPRISE me. The people who came were of a pretty interesting group... they were all parents and with me as a expected father... it's like it's a gather for parents. Whenever a kid started crying... anxious parents would look around to see if it was theirs... haha. And when one starts crying.. the rest soon followed. This may seem amusing at first..but try having that non-stop, then you will soon realise the pain. I hope I've got a better treshold for this...3 leh.
Also started shopping for kids stuff and let me tell you, they are NOT cheap! Take for example those electronic breast pumps, they start from $200 all the way to $800 for those duo ones (both of the breast lah). Those companies making those thing really know how to milk you. (pun intended).
I'm looking for sponsorship for my triplets...anyone? ;-)