Sunday, August 03, 2014

Coming back!

Mommy's last post was over 4 years ago. Due to busy schedules, changes happening, chasing after a career, moving close to their primary school, selling our home & buying a new home, this blog site was neglected for way too long. I'm back again. I little slow & outdated, have to learn to blog all over again & to remember "why" we created this blog site.

Let's recall the "why" part:- 
This blog was 1st created to keep track of our progress when we 1st found out that I was expecting triplets. We kept up with this blog for a good 4 years, their Daddy played a huge part in maintaining it.

Mommy was an occasional browser who look back on the photos & post, and think back on the days the trio was growing up from day 1 ....... reminisce over their growing up years and with Facebook & Instagram, blogging was all but forgotten.

Now, I'll try to re-start this blogging again. 

Jia You!